As choir members we offer our God given talents to the faith for a variety of reasons.

Foremost, it is a part of our stewardship – the giving of our “time and talents.” For others, it is something that is enjoyed and for others, it is a social outlet. But for us in MFM Woolwich our service, however as choir members is to lead the congregation in Praise worship and in Hymns. This places a sacred responsibility on us especially during worship and we as choir respond to that trust accordingly, with all our hearts, all our strength and all our soul in ushering in the presence of the Almighty God during our services.

Other activities of the choir include leading the congregation during special events such as weddings, birthdays child dedications and  any other  special occasions

The Highlight of the year for the choir is our annual Praise Night. Here we invite all our brothers and sisters in Christ from other branches and other denominations to join us in celebrating the end of the year.

In becoming a member of the choir, you need to first and foremost be a genuine child of God. You must be born again. Then you should demonstrate the ability to sing or play any of the approved musical instruments. Also, joining the choir require a lot of dedication and commitment and personal sacrifice.

If you are interested in Joining the Choir Please contact the Choir leader on 07846352970 Or simply complete the form by clicking on Join Us